
Frederick Women's Rugby Football Club is a competitive, full-contact team based in Frederick, Md.
We are always looking for new players with any level of experience. Newcomers welcome!

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Here's what's on the table this weekend -- a veritable smorgasbord of the sport we love!!

FREDERICK WOMEN: sat. @ Brandywine (1830 Howellmoore Rd West Grove, PA 19390), carpool from 7th St. leaving at 7 a.m., kickoff at 11, social at Ryan's Pub.

FREDERICK MEN: sat. hosting Western Suburbs at Walnut Ridge (1166

Rocky Springs Road), kickoff at 1 (A) and 2:30 (B), social at Canal Bar (49 S Market St).

WPL'S D.C. FURIES***: sun. at Walnut Ridge, 10:30 a.m. kickoff vs Norfolk B, noon kickoff vs Keystone, 2 p.m. kickoff for Norfolk A vs NOVA.

RUGBY WORLD CUP ON TV: sun. New Zealand vs Canada airs at 3 p.m. on NBC and 8 p.m. on Universal.

***Just so ya know, the Furies are in the WPL, Women's Premiere League, which is, like, semipro -- but they have field availability issues in D.C., so they're "borrowing" our pitch. The WPL is crawling with Eagles (women's national team players), and it's usually some awesomely good rugby. ROOKIES -- I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW VALUABLE IT WILL BE FOR YOU TO CATCH SOME OF THE SUNDAY GAMES. Plus, how cool would it be for them to have a good crowd cheering them on? Bring your friends!!

But first thing's first -- get PUMPED for Brandywine tomorrow, ladies -- it's 80 minutes of honing our craft, and then we get beer. Hydrate today, get a good night's sleep, and we'll see ya bright 'n' early!

 Here's what's on the table this weekend -- a veritable smorgasbord of the sport we love!!

FREDERICK WOMEN: @ Brandywine (1830 Howellmoore Rd West Grove, PA 19390), carpool from 7th St. leaving at 7 a.m., kickoff at 11, social at Ryan's Pub.

FREDERICK MEN: hosting Western Suburbs at Walnut Ridge (1166

Rocky Springs Road), kickoff at 1 (A) and 2:30 (B), social at Canal Bar (49 S Market St).

WPL'S D.C. FURIES***: at Walnut Ridge, 10:30 a.m. kickoff vs Norfolk B, noon kickoff vs Keystone, 2 p.m. kickoff for Norfolk A vs NOVA.

RUGBY WORLD CUP ON TV: New Zealand vs Canada airs at 3 p.m. on NBC and 8 p.m. on Universal.

***Just so ya know, the Furies are in the WPL, Women's Premiere League, which is, like, semipro -- but they have field availability issues in D.C., so they're "borrowing" our pitch. The WPL is crawling with Eagles (women's national team players), and it's usually some awesomely good rugby. ROOKIES -- I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW VALUABLE IT WILL BE FOR YOU TO CATCH SOME OF THE SUNDAY GAMES. Plus, how cool would it be for them to have a good crowd cheering them on? Bring your friends!!

But first thing's first -- get PUMPED for Brandywine tomorrow, ladies -- it's 80 minutes of honing our craft, and then we get beer. Hydrate today, get a good night's sleep, and we'll see ya bright 'n' early!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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